Inconsistent chatter from a Wine Country-based 'Sconi attorney.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

A ‘Tea Party’ budget -

A ‘Tea Party’ budget -

I especially love the comment:

Here is a summary of Federal  2010 finances. 

$ 2,200  Federal Tax Revenue (billions)
$ 1,300  Borrowing (the deficit)
$ 3,500  Total Spending
$     0  Total Saving

$14,500  Entire economy (GDP)
  15.2%  Taxes as % of Economy
   9.0%  Borrowing as % of Economy
  24.2%  Total spending as % of Economy

What if (say) Bob's family budget operated like the government, in proportion? That gives a feeling for our situation:

$50,000  What Bob can spend from his income
$29,900  Bob borrows this
$79,900  Bob's spends it all
      60% more than Bob's income
$  1,400  The GOP cut in proportion

The proposed House GOP cut in spending of $61 billion is just 1.8%. For Bob, that would be $1,400.

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