Inconsistent chatter from a Sacramento-based 'Sconi attorney.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Tax Views of Top 10 Presidential Candidates

The Roni Deutch Tax Center - another company owned by my boss, Roni Deutch - reviews the tax positions of the Top 10 Presidential Candidates on its blog, the Roni Deutch Tax Center Tax Help Blog.

The RDTC Tax Help Blog appears to be a modernized information center for RDTC. It is in a blog format, however it archives posts in appropriate sections. Just like any good information center, it includes the following sections: Glossary, FAQ, News, Articles. These sections are all geared towards taxes and tax return preparation.

The article does a good job outlining the candidates take on important social issues and the likely budgetary impact. What I mean is, spend more money = need more money. Unsuprisingly, the Democrats are big spenders and the Republicans are not.

read more digg story

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