Inconsistent chatter from a Wine Country-based 'Sconi attorney.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Received a phone call today from a Special Advisor of GOP Chairman, Ken Mehlman

Yeah, the GOP was trying to get me to fork over some more money. I probably will, but at the same time I am a little concerned.

The one thing that caught my attention was that this Special Advisor stated, "Howard Dean, Democratic Party Chairman, is actually the GOP's best public relations man. And that is just sad." The way this Special Advisor was stating it, he was pointing out how sad it was for the Democratic Party. While very true, it is also sad for the Republican Party.

For being a party that is in control of the Presidency and both Houses of Congress, not a whole lot of traditional GOP ideas are being presented or pursued. Although taxes are down, spending has spiraled out of control. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Republican Party is now thinking of pursuing an entirely different mantra than that which drew me to it in the first place. Instead of having the mantra of "We don't want the Federal Government to try and solve all of life's problems" the Republican Party is now seemingly believing the exact opposite. Now that they are the party in power, their mindset has changed. They believe they can fix all of life's troubles through the work of Federal Government, casting aside the core concept of self-reliance and federalism which drew me and many others to the party in the first place.

So, I am concerned. I believe the Republican Party is concerned as well. They are getting mixed messages from their party loyalists, party leaders, the President of the United States, and then the majority of party members. They have scandals (see Rove, Delay, Frist), a war, and burgeoning economy, that are all distracting them, and throwing the party into disarray.

From a politico stand point, the current GOP is so unbelievably lucky to be going through this turmoil at a time where there truly is no option that provides more stability or alternative ideas. If the Democratic Party was a truly competitive and competent party at this time, they would run away with the 2006 mid-term elections. However, they have no ideas and no hope for this country. The only they offer is "we are not the GOP". Of all the things I read on liberal blogs and in the press, the number 1 thing the liberals want to pursue if they get back in control of Congress is impeachment of the President over the Downing Street Memos. I am not making this up. There is no other coherent message coming from that side of the aisle.

So, that brings me back to the chaos of the Republican Party. Leaving out the recent nomination of Harriet Miers to SCOTUS, the Republican Party is seriously divided. As troubling as that is, it is probably better than 100% loyalty behind the wrong course of action. I am glad that the Party in Power is being confronted for soiling their ideals. Those doing the confrtonting should not refrain from repeating this line: Power corrupts; Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Because right now, that is what it looks like is occurring to the GOP.

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