Inconsistent chatter from a Wine Country-based 'Sconi attorney.

Thursday, September 29, 2005



Geez, that "fight of the century" sure went out in a whimper, don't you think?


Here is a list of the 22 Senators (all Democrats) who voted against, "the most qualified candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court EVER":

Evan Bayh of Indiana
Joseph Biden of Delaware
Barbara Boxer of California
Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York
Jon Corzine of New Jersey
Mark Dayton of Minnesota
Dick Durbin of Illinois
Dianne Feinstein of California
Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts
John Kerry of Massachusetts
Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey
Barbara Mikulski of Maryland
Barack Obama of Illinois
Harry Reid of Nevada
Charles Schumer of New York
Debbie Stabenow of Michigan
Jack Reed of Rhode Island
Tom Harkin of Iowa
Daniel Inouye of Hawaii
Paul Sarbanes of Maryland
Maria Cantwell of Washington
Daniel Akaka of Hawaii

I echo the comments of my fellow blogger, Professor Ann Althouse: whoever is on that list of 22 is going to have a hard time convincing the middle of America to take them serious if they run for President. They have a distorted view of what it means to be a Supreme Court Justice, as well as what role the courts are to play in our democratic society.

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