Inconsistent chatter from a Sacramento-based 'Sconi attorney.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Batman Begins Review

By Professor Ann Althouse:

I noticed a right-wing edge to some key statements: "Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding." Take that, you Gitmo critics! And it was quite clear that we were supposed to think about the criminals as al-Qaeda. Here was this "League of Shadows," based in Asia, bent on destroying "Gotham." We were nudged constantly to make this connection.

Interesting. This is the second blockbuster film with some alleged slant concerning the current political climate (i.e. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith). Professor Althouse continues:

The beginning of the move was interestingly scenic in a "Lord of the Rings" way, and involved a lot of learning how to fight, Asian-style, in a "Kill Bill: Volume 2" way. But why did Bruce Wayne learn all about swordplay, and then concoct a Batman persona who has nothing to do with swordfighting?

What the H? Batman knows how to saber duel? That would be a heckuva lot sweeter than having Batman punch people, making the noise, "ZOINK" and "BAM" and "KABLOOEY".

Well, maybe not.

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